Hey heyy!
It's been a while, huh? I haven't made horribly much progress on DIMENSION4L, but I thought I'd still share some updates:
1. I finished writing first drafts of the scripts (yes, all the scripts!) and am now in the process of getting feedback and making adjustments. After this I'll start making thumbnails.
2. I decided to sort of start from the beginning. Episode 2 is almost finished and most of it I will keep as is, but EP1 I will redo completely because it doesn't reflect the characters or the plot accurately anymore. This also brings us to...
3. The animation itself! I've been playing around with a kind of cut-out animation (not puppets per se as they don't have rigs, but anyway) that will hopefully help me animate faster. I won't make any promises just in case, but I'll keep experimenting to see if I can figure out a method that suits this kind of project best. Most likely I'll use frame-by-frame for more complex shots and the puppets for simple animations like characters just conversing.
To end this post, here's some very early thumbnails I started making because I just couldn't wait; these are still subject to change if I edit the script.